How nature’s elements work in our bodies

Come gli elementi naturali lavorano nei nostri corpi.
La primavera: il periodo della rinascita, della fertilità e di un nuovo inizio.

Well Mother

Happy Spring:  a time which is celebrated in all cultures in many different ways from the Persian new year to the Christian resurrection. A time of the re birth, fertility and new beginnings with its symbolism of eggs, rabbits and new life.

How do you feel at this time of year as nature awakens from her slumber and you see all around you the signs of new life as buds burst forth from the trees, shoots push through the earth, the birds start making their nests and the days get longer.  Do you too feel like you have more energy? Are you beginning to get active with new projects and ideas for the year?  Or do you feel there is too much activity going on and you want to withdraw?

Even in these days of technological rhythms, artificial light, and city dwelling, I think that most of us are still…

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